Thanks to all who supported us at the annual spaghetti dinner !!
And Special Thanks to Phil’s Pizza D’Oro for their continued support
It’s back to school time, and aided by your generosity, new Station School students are being equipped for success with proper school supplies and essential hygiene products and additional items.
In appreciation, the students will be sending letters and photos. While each child has a unique personal story, all Station School students share a profound gratefulness and a commitment to study hard to make the Sharing Families of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity proud.
I will be again traveling to Station School in September to bring a message of Christian hope to the community.
I’ll share another report upon my return.
Our motto is simple: Helping one child will not change the world, however, for that one child the world will be forever changed.
The Water Well Project

Can you imagine trekking eight miles round trip to collect water?
I personally have witnessed this daily hardship.
Sharing this story with a Sharing Family, they generously offered
to help launch a water well project.
To no one’s surprise, it’s been a challenge. However, we’ve worked with local landowners to gain permission to lay pipe, and engineered a plan that reaches the low point in the valley where there is a possibility for water.
We’re now working on a solar panel solution for the activation of the pump.
Since launching the project many other Sharing Families have helped fund this project.
In short, aided by your generosity and prayers, water (which we take for granted) will be flowing consistently in approximately two months.
Here is how you can help this community move beyond the violence of the past and the challenges of serious poverty:
Support the annual fund-raising Spaghetti Dinner on October 13.
Sponsor one (or more!) Station School students at $25.00 per student.
A few reminders:
You can sponsor a student or donate any amount at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish. (Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School).
You can also donate online via Faith Direct. Please select the Station School.
Follow our progress on this remarkable journey at and see the hope and smiles in the eyes of the children.
We have given them the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
God bless,
Bobbie DuMelle
¡Gracias! Thank you! Grazie! Merci! Salamat! Ευχαριστώ! Dziękuję! Urakoze!
A heart full of thanks to the RE Families, Kathy O’Sullivan, and Betty Ryan for the spectacular Parish Social dessert bar and warm hospitality, and to our generous local shops for their donations.
And thank you to our parishioners who helped raise $400 for the Rwanda Station School, which provides a year’s tuition for 16 students!
Holiday wishes from the Station School:
“All students and staff members wish the Sharing Families
a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
May God bless you all.
May 2022 be a year of happiness, less COVID, and knowledge of the Lord.”
It is going to be a happy new year for the students awaiting sponsors. Thanks to the generosity of the Sharing Families, we are able to sponsor all registered students.
The latest from Bobbie DuMelle :
COVID-19 cases are on the rise in Rwanda. Happy to report that the students and teachers at the Station School remain healthy.
Father Denis sends his blessing and message to the Sharing Families:
“May the good Lord keep us strong and sound in his vineyard especially during
this trying time of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
A message from the head mistress (principal): “Many greetings from the students, teachers and me.”
The grade level did not matter a bit, all the recipients were so excited to receive our gifts.
Remember – the cost to become a sponsor is just $25.00 to provide hope and support for these grateful students. Contributions of any amount are welcome !
You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish.
Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check “Station School.”
You can also donate online via Faith Direct.
Bobbie DuMelle has given us an update from the Station School in Rwanda. This includes student updates, a message from the School Head Mistress and photos!
The students are back in school thanks to contributions including hand sanitizer, paper and pens. This is critical because there is no electricity in most homes in this part of Rwanda and there are no computers or other home learning tools for the children.
Remember – the cost to become a sponsor is just $25.00 to provide hope and support for these grateful students. Contributions of any amount are welcome !
Thank you and may God bless you!
Bobbie DuMelle has given us another update from the Station School in Rwanda including student updates and photos!
Remember – the cost to become a sponsor is just $25.00 to provide hope and support for these grateful students. Contributions of any amount are welcome !

Not all uniforms and shoes are a perfect fit, but all are a perfect gift from you, their Sharing Families.
COVID-19 cases have recently risen in the Rwandan capital of Kigali. The city and schools in Kigali have
gone on lockdown once again. The provinces outside of Kigali remain open and continue to follow safety
Our Station School students are very happy to remain in school. They continue to strive to do their very best. The students feel that by achieving good grades, they are making their sponsors proud. They do not want to let you down.
Thank you to everyone participating in the Sharing Families Program. The children will never forget that
your generosity has provided a life changing opportunity. They are forever grateful.
The cost to become a sponsor is $25.00 per student, however, any size donation is appreciated. You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish. Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School.
You can also donate online via Faith Direct.
We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
Bobbie DuMelle
The teachers are working diligently as they restart classes after stopping for eight months due to Covid-19. This requires much effort and coordination.
Remedial classes are being offered to help students after such a long time away from school. The headmistress (principal) reports that she sees good progress and improvement.
As of this report, there are no Covid-19 cases in the school. The teachers and students continue to
adhere to preventive measures, though it is difficult for students. This year, there will not be a Christmas
break. Classes will continue until Easter holidays in April 2021.
Thanks to generous Sharing Family Sponsors, the large cooking pot makes lunch preparation more
efficient and our lunch program continues to feed over 1,400 students each school day.
A message from the Station School Principal (Headmistress) :
“I, students, teachers and my family wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021.”
The students are happy to be back at the Station School. Unlike most of our students in the US, they are unable to learn remotely. Most do not have electricity, nor supplies to complete school work.
The children were very excited to receive the supplies we provided.
A message from the Station School principal (Headmistress):
“The words cannot express how we are thankful to the whole team of sponsors.
May Almighty God bless your every day’s activities. I take into consideration your kind work.
And I promise to be accountable to each activity concerning this program.”
The Annual Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the Station School in Rwanda was a big success! Thank you to all who participated. We are very grateful for the sponsors that continue to support and welcome new sponsors to the Sharing Family initiative.
The students at the Station School in Rwanda will never forget your kindness and
generosity. They believe that there are angels in Chicago.
Paul Mally was our raffle winner! He generously donated his winnings to the Station
Special gratitude to Phil’s Pizza D’Oro, Colonial Funeral Home and Jim Madura.
OCTOBER 2020 UPDATE – Station School in Rwanda
Happy to report that there are no known cases of COVID-19 among the students or teachers at the Station
School in Rwanda. Our two high school and two university scholarship recipients remain healthy and safe
as well. Schools in Rwanda are scheduled to open mid-October for primary and secondary levels.
This year there are 324 new students making the student body total 1,520.
The latest wire transfer has been made. Thanks to the many generous Sharing Families, there was enough
money to cover all the new students registered at this time. Our new head mistress (principal) wishes to
thank us for our kindness and promises to continue the success of this beautiful collaboration. Father Denis
sends his sincere thanks to all. He is praying for the Sharing Families and our entire parish.
Due to COVID-19, this year’s Annual Spaghetti Dinner will be carry-out only. Our goal this year is to raise
enough money to sustain the lunch program for 2 semesters and cover any new students that register after
the start of the school year.
The bean garden that was started on our visit last year is said to be coming along nicely. The beans grown will be used in the lunch program. The students and teachers planted on a Saturday. With only a hoe to use as a tool, they cleared an entire section for planning in 3 hours. Some students had to wear their uniforms as it is the only clothing they have.
The cost to Become a Sponsor is $25.00 per student however any size donation is appreciated. You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish. Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School. You can also donate online via Faith Direct.
Follow our progress on this remarkable journey at and see the hope and smiles in the eyes of the children. We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
Bobbie DuMelle
Station School and Sharing Families Project – Rwanda
With the formation of our new St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish, we wanted to provide an introduction and background information on an extraordinary experience of sharing that extends to the other side of the world.
Since 2013, the parishioners of St. Tarcissus, led by the guidance and dedication of Bobbie DuMelle, have been participating in this wonderful project. Now, we at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish can continue and build on this tradition!
About the Program and Donating
We have accountability for every step of the money collected to ensure that the children receive all of the items listed above. As a sponsor, you will receive the name of the child that you are helping. We receive letters and photos of each child after they are given their supplies.
The letters and photos are posted on this website and can be viewed from the links at the top of this page.
You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish and mail it, drop it off at the rectory or place it in the weekly collection basket. Be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School.
You can also donate online via Faith Direct and make a one-time, annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly or weekly donation. Faith Direct has been updated to accept any amount that you would like to donate.
Thank you again to everyone participating in this extraordinary journey. We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
After hearing Fr. Pascal, a visiting priest from Africa, speak to us at Mass regarding conditions and children in need in Rwanda, there was a Christian call to action.
The next step was to travel to Rwanda to observe first hand and identify needs.
First stop was St. Maria Goretti Parish. When asked what was needed, the staff stated that they were OK but they were helping another school with greater needs. That was inspiring. If the poor are sharing with the even less fortunate then surely, we can help too!
Next stop on the trip was the Station School. The children in the area did not even have shoes which is a requirement to attend school. These children need a hand up, not a hand out – basic needs for education.
We took immediate action and created the Sharing Families Program.
The Sharing Families Program:
Each child attending the school is eligible for a sponsor. The cost to sponsor a student is $25.00.
Each sponsored student receives:
Two Uniforms | School Fees | Notebooks | Washing Soaps |
Shoes | Insurance | Pens | Hygienic Soaps |
School Sweater | School Card | Mathematic Box | Lotions |
Slips (Girls) | School Badge | Ruler | Hand Towel |
Socks | School Bag | Toothpaste |
Because of the sustainability program we have in place, the student only needs this one-time fee. Many sharing families sponsor more than one student.
We receive the name of the student, photos of the students and thank you letters (posted on our website) and daily prayers from the students and teachers.
Our Sharing Families Program has improved the lives for over 1200 Rwandan children, one child at a time, providing hope for a better future. We have transformed a remote community by focusing on one school that is thriving and producing the upcoming leaders of a developing country.
When you see the snapshot of where we started and where we are today, you have an understanding of the impact. CLICK HERE FOR SOME BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES
The student’s spokesperson said “We have nothing to give as reward, we do always pray for you so that the GOD will only reward you. We will never forget what you have done for us.”
The cost to become a sponsor is $25.00 per student, however any size donation is appreciated. You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish. Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School.
Follow our progress on this remarkable journey at here and see the hope and smiles in the eyes of the children. We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
Bobbie DuMelle
What a wonderful Christmas surprise for the students at the Station School, thanks to the generosity of the Sharing Families!
We now have sponsors for all the registered students. The children are praying, thanking God for your gift of love and kindness.
They continue to believe there are angels in Chicago.
Please join us at Phil’s Pizza D’Oro on Sunday, April 30th for our Spaghetti Dinner fund raiser.
This year, we are hoping to raise funds to continue the lunch program to ensure the students have at least one meal per day.
Here is a message from the Station School principal:
“A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
May it bring joy and happiness to you and yours. You are loved.”
Helping one child will not change the world however, for that one child the world will be forever changed.
Thank you to all the Sharing Families for the difference you are making.
The cost to become a sponsor is $25.00 per student however any size donation is appreciated.
You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish.
Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School. You can also donate online via Faith Direct.
– Bobbie DuMelle
I just returned from visiting the Station School in Rwanda.
School was not yet in session. However, because of our visit, the students came to welcome us.
We were greeted with an all-girl drumming group. They taught us how to drum using our elbows.
Father Denis led us in prayer and then came the overwhelming messages of thanks. Students of all grades sending messages to the Sharing Families in Chicago explaining their gratitude for all the generous gifts of supplies.
Most of all, they want us to know that we have provided hope. They wish they could meet each one of you.
The students promise to work very hard and continue to pray for their families a half a world away.
Helping one child will not change the world however, for that one child the world will be forever changed.
Thank you to all the Sharing Families for the difference you are making.
– Bobbie DuMelle
Holiday wishes from the Station School:
“All students and staff members wish the Sharing Families
a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
May God bless you all.
May 2022 be a year of happiness, less COVID, and knowledge of the Lord.”
It is going to be a happy new year for the students awaiting sponsors. Thanks to the generosity of the Sharing Families, we are able to sponsor all registered students.
The latest from Bobbie DuMelle :
COVID-19 cases are on the rise in Rwanda. Happy to report that the students and teachers at the Station School remain healthy.
Father Denis sends his blessing and message to the Sharing Families:
“May the good Lord keep us strong and sound in his vineyard especially during
this trying time of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
A message from the head mistress (principal): “Many greetings from the students, teachers and me.”
The grade level did not matter a bit, all the recipients were so excited to receive our gifts.
Remember – the cost to become a sponsor is just $25.00 to provide hope and support for these grateful students. Contributions of any amount are welcome !
You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish.
Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check “Station School.”
You can also donate online via Faith Direct.
Bobbie DuMelle has given us an update from the Station School in Rwanda. This includes student updates, a message from the School Head Mistress and photos!
The students are back in school thanks to contributions including hand sanitizer, paper and pens. This is critical because there is no electricity in most homes in this part of Rwanda and there are no computers or other home learning tools for the children.
Remember – the cost to become a sponsor is just $25.00 to provide hope and support for these grateful students. Contributions of any amount are welcome !
Thank you and may God bless you!
Bobbie DuMelle has given us another update from the Station School in Rwanda including student updates and photos!
Remember – the cost to become a sponsor is just $25.00 to provide hope and support for these grateful students. Contributions of any amount are welcome !

Not all uniforms and shoes are a perfect fit, but all are a perfect gift from you, their Sharing Families.
COVID-19 cases have recently risen in the Rwandan capital of Kigali. The city and schools in Kigali have
gone on lockdown once again. The provinces outside of Kigali remain open and continue to follow safety
Our Station School students are very happy to remain in school. They continue to strive to do their very best. The students feel that by achieving good grades, they are making their sponsors proud. They do not want to let you down.
Thank you to everyone participating in the Sharing Families Program. The children will never forget that
your generosity has provided a life changing opportunity. They are forever grateful.
The cost to become a sponsor is $25.00 per student, however, any size donation is appreciated. You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish. Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School.
You can also donate online via Faith Direct.
We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
Bobbie DuMelle
The teachers are working diligently as they restart classes after stopping for eight months due to Covid-19. This requires much effort and coordination.
Remedial classes are being offered to help students after such a long time away from school. The headmistress (principal) reports that she sees good progress and improvement.
As of this report, there are no Covid-19 cases in the school. The teachers and students continue to
adhere to preventive measures, though it is difficult for students. This year, there will not be a Christmas
break. Classes will continue until Easter holidays in April 2021.
Thanks to generous Sharing Family Sponsors, the large cooking pot makes lunch preparation more
efficient and our lunch program continues to feed over 1,400 students each school day.
A message from the Station School Principal (Headmistress) :
“I, students, teachers and my family wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021.”
The students are happy to be back at the Station School. Unlike most of our students in the US, they are unable to learn remotely. Most do not have electricity, nor supplies to complete school work.
The children were very excited to receive the supplies we provided.
A message from the Station School principal (Headmistress):
“The words cannot express how we are thankful to the whole team of sponsors.
May Almighty God bless your every day’s activities. I take into consideration your kind work.
And I promise to be accountable to each activity concerning this program.”
The Annual Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the Station School in Rwanda was a big success! Thank you to all who participated. We are very grateful for the sponsors that continue to support and welcome new sponsors to the Sharing Family initiative.
The students at the Station School in Rwanda will never forget your kindness and
generosity. They believe that there are angels in Chicago.
Paul Mally was our raffle winner! He generously donated his winnings to the Station
Special gratitude to Phil’s Pizza D’Oro, Colonial Funeral Home and Jim Madura.
OCTOBER 2020 UPDATE – Station School in Rwanda
Happy to report that there are no known cases of COVID-19 among the students or teachers at the Station
School in Rwanda. Our two high school and two university scholarship recipients remain healthy and safe
as well. Schools in Rwanda are scheduled to open mid-October for primary and secondary levels.
This year there are 324 new students making the student body total 1,520.
The latest wire transfer has been made. Thanks to the many generous Sharing Families, there was enough
money to cover all the new students registered at this time. Our new head mistress (principal) wishes to
thank us for our kindness and promises to continue the success of this beautiful collaboration. Father Denis
sends his sincere thanks to all. He is praying for the Sharing Families and our entire parish.
Due to COVID-19, this year’s Annual Spaghetti Dinner will be carry-out only. Our goal this year is to raise
enough money to sustain the lunch program for 2 semesters and cover any new students that register after
the start of the school year.
The bean garden that was started on our visit last year is said to be coming along nicely. The beans grown will be used in the lunch program. The students and teachers planted on a Saturday. With only a hoe to use as a tool, they cleared an entire section for planning in 3 hours. Some students had to wear their uniforms as it is the only clothing they have.
The cost to Become a Sponsor is $25.00 per student however any size donation is appreciated. You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish. Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School. You can also donate online via Faith Direct.
Follow our progress on this remarkable journey at and see the hope and smiles in the eyes of the children. We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
Bobbie DuMelle
Station School and Sharing Families Project – Rwanda
With the formation of our new St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish, we wanted to provide an introduction and background information on an extraordinary experience of sharing that extends to the other side of the world.
Since 2013, the parishioners of St. Tarcissus, led by the guidance and dedication of Bobbie DuMelle, have been participating in this wonderful project. Now, we at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish can continue and build on this tradition!
About the Program and Donating
We have accountability for every step of the money collected to ensure that the children receive all of the items listed above. As a sponsor, you will receive the name of the child that you are helping. We receive letters and photos of each child after they are given their supplies.
The letters and photos are posted on this website and can be viewed from the links at the top of this page.
You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish and mail it, drop it off at the rectory or place it in the weekly collection basket. Be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School.
You can also donate online via Faith Direct and make a one-time, annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly or weekly donation. Faith Direct has been updated to accept any amount that you would like to donate.
Thank you again to everyone participating in this extraordinary journey. We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
After hearing Fr. Pascal, a visiting priest from Africa, speak to us at Mass regarding conditions and children in need in Rwanda, there was a Christian call to action.
The next step was to travel to Rwanda to observe first hand and identify needs.
First stop was St. Maria Goretti Parish. When asked what was needed, the staff stated that they were OK but they were helping another school with greater needs. That was inspiring. If the poor are sharing with the even less fortunate then surely, we can help too!
Next stop on the trip was the Station School. The children in the area did not even have shoes which is a requirement to attend school. These children need a hand up, not a hand out – basic needs for education.
We took immediate action and created the Sharing Families Program.
The Sharing Families Program:
Each child attending the school is eligible for a sponsor. The cost to sponsor a student is $25.00.
Each sponsored student receives:
Two Uniforms | School Fees | Notebooks | Washing Soaps |
Shoes | Insurance | Pens | Hygienic Soaps |
School Sweater | School Card | Mathematic Box | Lotions |
Slips (Girls) | School Badge | Ruler | Hand Towel |
Socks | School Bag | Toothpaste |
Because of the sustainability program we have in place, the student only needs this one-time fee. Many sharing families sponsor more than one student.
We receive the name of the student, photos of the students and thank you letters (posted on our website) and daily prayers from the students and teachers.
Our Sharing Families Program has improved the lives for over 1200 Rwandan children, one child at a time, providing hope for a better future. We have transformed a remote community by focusing on one school that is thriving and producing the upcoming leaders of a developing country.
When you see the snapshot of where we started and where we are today, you have an understanding of the impact. CLICK HERE FOR SOME BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES
The student’s spokesperson said “We have nothing to give as reward, we do always pray for you so that the GOD will only reward you. We will never forget what you have done for us.”
The cost to become a sponsor is $25.00 per student, however any size donation is appreciated. You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish. Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School.
Follow our progress on this remarkable journey at here and see the hope and smiles in the eyes of the children. We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.
Bobbie DuMelle
You can review photos from the menu at the top of this page.
We hope you can sponsor a child for the one-time fee of $25.00.
May God Bless You All !