We have started a quarterly second collection at all Sunday Masses called an “Evangelization Collection” with the purpose of directly funding the various programs, ministries, and materials that help us grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
The next of our quarterly second collections to support the evangelization efforts of the parish will take place the weekend of February 8 – 9, 2025 at all Masses.
You may use a plain envelope with your name on it or donate electronically through Faith Direct.
Here is a list of some of what your quarterly donations will fund, and some things we are still aspiring to do:
Programs: Some of the programs we are offering, because of their production quality and content require registration fees or requested annual donation but are well worth the cost.
The Rescue Project run by Fr. Riccardo has born real fruit for us.
Also, the men’s group That Man is You features good content meant for men with quality promotional materials and website, but it also is not
without cost to run.
We also have annual Lenten missions (Fr. Knotek will give our parish Lenten mission next year), staff retreats, Totus Tuus for the children, in person baptism preparation, and annual inspiring books we give out at Christmas.
Hospitality: One of the biggest reasons that people leave their parish is when they don’t feel part of a community.
We have monthly hospitality after the 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Masses that costs the parish money to offer.
There is also some form of hospitality served at all Rescue Project sessions and TMIY which is very important for the experience of people getting to know one another and feeling welcome.
Think how often Jesus spent time at meals with those He was reaching out to.