St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Saint Joseph Table 2013

Pictures and Videos of Previous Events

March 17, 2013

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Thanks to all who made our annual Parish St. Joseph Table a success.

The generous people who contributed to the event are:
Mary Ellen & Becca Gold – Paula, Steve, Rosana Petrucci – Fred & JoAnn Keto – Jan Keto & Alexis Anderson – Deacon Gregory Bzdon – John & Emily Stuckel – Gina Malatesta – Ed, Margaret, Gabby & Monica Krochmal –
Susie Belcastro – April, Paris & Hawken Warner – Dom & Toni Colletti – Mike & Jeanette DeMartino –
Vic & Judy Bizzotto – Joe Craglione – Phil’s Pizza – Colleen Wolenczuk – Marie Brascher – Fr. Mike Solazzo –
Steve Schroeder – Kayla Quirk – Women’s Club – Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts – Girl Scouts – Athletic Assoc. –
Parents Club – Night Players – Youth Group: Alex Vega & Katie Hoppensteadt – Tom Ziobro – Kathy Mullins –
Jim Madura
 and all the many bakers who contributed to the sweet table.

Also, thanks to the wonderful guests we have each year.
As is the custom of the St. Joseph Table, all donations received are to benefit the poor.
This year the proceeds in the amount of $615 were turned over to the St. Vincent DePaul Society.