2024-2025 St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Religious Education Tuition & Fees
2023-24 Tuition
1st Child : $250 for
Each additional Child : $75 per Child
Sacramental Fees
First Communion : $75 per child
Confirmation $100 per child
Fee Payments
Check, cash, or Faith Direct.
Checks should be made out to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and can be dropped off at the Parish office.
Fees and Tuition are due September 30, 2024.
Use this link to set up a Faith Direct account or to initiate payment from your existing Faith Direct account.
- Click “Make a One-Time Gift”
- Scroll down to “RE Tuition”
- Provide the necessary card information
- You must do this separately for Sacramental Fee
Financial Assistance is available to those going through financial hardships.
contact Hugo Munoz
Director of Lifelong Formation & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
773-763-8228 Ext. 2114