We will hold our sessions in the ST. ELIZABETH OF THE TRINITY SCHOOL Auditorium.
When is it?
monday Evenings starting april 15, 2024 . We will also have a Retreat Day (date to be determiined).
What if I can’t make every week?
If you need to miss a week or two don’t let that stop you from joining us. While the videos do build on each other and it may be helpful to watch the video you missed before the next week, that is not required.
If you are going to miss a week just let Ashley or your table leader know so we can send you a link to the video in case you want to watch it.
How Can I Help ?
Prayer Team: We need people who will gather in church before or during our sessions to pray for all the partici-pants and other volunteers and ask the Holy Spirit to help everyone to be open to the graces God wants to give them.
Facilitators: We need people who will help facilitate the small group discussions at each table. Training will be provided so don’t be nervous if you have not done something like this before. Your job is not to teach everyone everything the church teaches but to help guide a meaningful discussion based around the video and everyone’s life experiences.
Hospitality Team: We can’t have an experience that includes food without the loving help of those who want to make sure everyone feels welcome and has enough to eat. We need people willing to help welcome people to each session, make sure everything is set up for dinner and the food is served. You could also help by donating desserts for a session.
Participate and Invite: We hope that this will be a meaningful experience for the people of our parish. If you, a friend, or family member could use an opportunity to encounter or reencounter God through our community here at St. Elizabeth please consider joining us or inviting someone you love to join us for The Rescue Project.