St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Saint Vincent De Paul Society

A big thank you to JoAnn Keto and her entire cast of
helpers who hosted our parish St. Joseph Table ON MARCH 16.

The food was delicious, and our parish was very generous.

Proceeds of $655 were donated to our St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Thank you!

Lent is a call not just to “give up something” but more important
to “give something for the poor.”

Wherever you live in the parish, there are poor families within walking distance of your home.

When in need, they ring the rectory bell. They are, in effect, ringing your doorbell.

Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please
support the St. Vincent de Paul Society so that together we can help the suffering and poor.

Parish-wide Almsgiving Opportunity throughout Lent
Catholic Relief Service’s Rice Bowl –
25% will go to our St. Vincent de Paul Society

Please contribute what you are able

What a joy and pleasure to sit down on March 2 with some old friends and meet some new ones as we enjoyed a delicious taco dinner at Friendship Presbyterian Community Place.

Big thank you to Pastor Shawna for the space, Jill Powers for organizing and all our Conference members who greeted, served and cleaned to make our Conference Community Dinner a wonderful event.

-Dave McNaughton

Please come and join us after the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday March 16 until 3:00 p.m.
in the school auditorium.

Immediately following the Mass, we will process from the church to the auditorium where the food will be blessed.

After the blessing, we will partake in a Luncheon and Sweet Table.

While there is no charge for the meal, a donation will be accepted, and all proceeds will be turned over to our St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Please come and enjoy delicious food and friendship.

Volunteers are welcome!!

Anyone interested in helping, please leave your contact info at
the Parish Office and we will contact you.

Thank You,
JoAnn Keto

Our conference provided some support and comfort this evening to our friends in need at Gompers Park during the February 2025 cold snap.

About a dozen souls are braving frigid temperatures as they remain encamped in the park.

Our members passed out winter coats, blankets, hot coffee and bagged lunches.

Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters to survive this cold spell and for better options in the near future to find stable housing.

Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Masses: 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. (with school),
6:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. (Spanish)

Liturgy of the Word Prayer Service (with ashes):
12:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m.

The collection on Ash Wednesday will go to our St. Vincent de
Paul Society & our Food Pantry

Please read the letter from the link below from National President John Berry.

It pertains to what is occurring at USAID and how it is affecting Catholic Relief Services.


Our Conference is filled with gratitude for the generosity of our parishioners who donated 753 gifts and nearly $500 in cash over this YEAR to our parish Christmas Sharing program.

We delivered the gifts and money ON DECEMBER 9 to the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank You.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Our One Parish One Prisoner Teams are overwhelmed with gratitude for the generosity of our parishioners in their support of this new ministry.

The partial collections from Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, and the entire second collection on Divine Mercy Sunday were dedicated for our One Parish One Prisoner ministry.

The total amount collected allows for $8,300 to be used for Christopher and Michael who have now been released from the Illinois Department of Corrections.

These donations will be split between the two parish teams.

Additional funding for both has been set aside for use by our parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference.

We can support our new friends not only spiritually and emotionally, but with much needed material support.

Update from Team Michael

  • Michael was released from Robinson Correctional on June 3, and members of Team Michael greeted him at Union Station.
  • The first day was spent in getting some “real food”, visiting the cemetery to pay respects to loved ones, getting a cellphone, and settling into
    some temporary shelter.
  • Mike has been busy in attending to appointments that include reinstating prior benefits, signing up for housing programs, shopping for some basic clothing items, and getting reacquainted with family.
  • Team Michael gathered for a Welcome Home celebration at a local restaurant. It was a wonderful gathering with all sharing stories on how the team got acquainted over the last year.
  • Michael also attended Mass here at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity on his first Sunday back home.
  • Michael and his parish OPOP team met in an organized peace circle to deepen our relationship and commitment to walk with him as he reintegrates to our community.

Michael is overwhelmed by the generosity and support of our parish and is grateful for all the prayers.

Michael faces many challenges and obstacles moving forward, please continue to pray for Michael and his OPOP Team.

Is there a family you know who needs assistance?

Please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society (through the parish office) so that together we can help those who are hungry.

On April 21, 2024 members of the SVDP Society gathered to recommit to their vows.

Click to See the St. Vincent de Paul Society Vow Renewal Ceremony

Recently the St. Vincent de Paul Society presented
Mary Klug with the Ozanam Award for her many years of
outstanding service with the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Mary was selected for this award by the Archdiocesan
Council of the SVDP. Congratulations Mary and thank you
for all your good works!

2024 Northwest Side Community Dinner – APRIL 13!

Thanks to all who volunteered!!

“Charity is certainly greater than any rule. Moreover, all rules
must lead to charity.” ― St. Vincent de Paul

If you would like to join or contribute, please contact Conference President Dave McNaughton – or 773-621-7105 .

Please follow us on Facebook !

Meetings are generally held every 2nd and 4th Monday at 7:00 p.m. at the Chicago Catholic Kolping Society at 5820 N. Elston Avenue.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society of St Elizabeth of the Trinity has been hard at work for our community.

Here are some recent examples of our help:

  1. Since the beginning of May 2023, we continue to feed refugees daily breakfast at the 16th District Police Station and so far we have given out 713 meals.
  2. We continue to give quarterly meals to the needy through Catholic Charities
  3. We are preparing our winter backpacks for the needy and also gathering supplies and going out to the homeless to distribute supplies in the summer.
  4. Our meal program, which includes sandwiches, fruit, and cookies, gave out 475 meals to the Northwest Side Outreach Program from October 2022 to May 2023. We will restart in August.

In the month of March 2022, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent
de Paul was able to assist two families in need, providing food and other essential needs. Thank You!

A big thank you to JoAnn Keto, the Night Players, and to all who contributed at the St. Joseph Table. Our conference received $635 from this wonderful event! 

Throughout Lent, the School and the Religious Education Program will be collecting items and donations. Please help if you can. Donations should be dropped off by April 4. Monetary donations also welcome and will be used to purchase wool blankets.

  • Individually Packaged Tooth Brushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Bars of Soap
  • Small Bottles of Dish Soap
  • Wool Blankets
  • Hand Warmers
  • Socks
  • Undershirts (All Sizes – Mens & Womens)
  • McDonalds & Dollar Tree Gift Cards ($10 per Card)

Thanks to the incredible generosity of all our parishioners and school families, we collected and delivered gifts for the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels Christmas celebration scheduled for Saturday, December 18th.

We collected over 1,150 gifts, $416.00 in cash, and Target and McDonald’s gift cards. God is good!!

Big thanks go to :

  • Dave McNaughton and Mark Stemper for coordinating this project.
  • Dr. Hillman and St. Elizabeth of the Trinity school families who collected 225 gifts
  • Denise Makowski who donated 80 gifts
  • Ms. Driscoll and the Religious Education students and  families
  • All the volunteers who collected gifts at Saturday and Sunday Masses :
    Deacon Greg, Rich Muench, June Fredlund, Mary Beirne,Dolores Salituro, Anthony and Susie Belcastro, Mary Klug, Mary Ellen Gold, Linda Zdebski, Nancy Gutzman, Scott Winter,Abby and Kathy Grzeczka,Gabrielle, Madelyn, and Michelle Camarillo, Rachel and Sandra Dalton, Kaitlin and Wendy Stemper,Eisaiah and Samantha Espinoza,Tony and Dalia Ramirez,Liam and Stephanie Newes, Keegan, Regina, and Darlene Duggan, Jayden and Louie Invencion,Zachary and Kendra Welch,Claire and Joel Stieve,Matt and Lisa Cowgill,Emmanuel Parra and Alicia Rivera
  • Those who volunteered to deliver gifts: Dave and Ruth McNaughton, Gail and Lynn Pemberton, Rich Muench, Maria and Jeff Winter, Joe and Delia O’Connor and Pete Eck

Our work would not be possible without the kindness of our donors and volunteers!

“Let us do our duty well; let us go straight to God; let us work to become very humble, very patient, very mortified, and very charitable.”
St Vincent de Paul

God Bless!
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity St. Vincent de Paul Society

How did the Society of St. Vincent de Paul get its start? The Society was founded in 1833 in Paris by Frédéric Ozanam. As a college student, Ozanam and his companions were moved by the plight of the poor and challenged to put their Catholic faith into action. They adopted St. Vincent de Paul as the Society’s patron because he cared for the poor, forgotten and downtrodden of Paris.

The Saint Vincent De Paul Society was first started at Saint Tarcissus in 1926. Today the Saint Vincent De Paul members at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity faithfully carry on the tradition of the Patron Saint of the poor. No act of charity is foreign to the needs of the poor. The Society is an association of lay Catholic men and women gathered together with the goal of increasing their spiritual growth by serving the needs of people in trouble. Several of our activities include person-to-person service to those in need with anonymity given to those being served, home visits, support for two food pantries, and assistance to soup kitchens. The Saint Vincent De Paul Conference at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity follows the gospel message in action… I was hungry… I was thirsty… I was a stranger… I was naked… I was sick… I was in prison… and you cared.

Persons needing more information, or if you are interested in joining the conference here at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, please contact Conference President Dave McNaughton – or 773-621-7105.


St. Vincent De Paul Drop Boxes and Pick-ups

St. Vincent DePaul Drop Boxes are located on either side of the main entrance to the gym (5859 N Moody). We ask that all donated items such as, clothing for Men, Women, Children, shoes and linens, be in useable condition not needing any repair or immediate cleaning. Thank you for your generosity.

Our Parish Food Pantry accepts the following needed items :

  • Cereal, Coffee and Tea
  • Tuna, Chicken, Ham
  • Canned Fruit & Vegetables
  • Peanut Butter, Jelly
  • Rice, Pasta & Spaghetti Sauce
  • Sugar, Cooking Oil

We ask that all other items such as clothing for Men, Women, Children, shoes and linens, be in useable condition and dropped in the boxes located in our parking lot. Thank you for your generosity.

This is a list of items that the Vincent De Paul Family Thrift Stores takes for donations:

Clothing – Men, Women, Children, Infants.
Linens, Dishes, Pots, Pans, Small Working Appliances, Shoes, Bric-a-Brac,
Pictures, Picture Frames, Figurines, Etc.
Books – Children, Fictional, Cookbooks, Novels.

If you want to arrange a pick-up for furniture, PLEASE call 773-779-6700, pick-ups are arranged at least two weeks to a month in advance.

WE DO NOT TAKE: Mattresses and box springs, sleeper sofas, console TVs and radios, exercise equipment, rugs, baby car seats, baby furniture and highchairs; large appliances, desks, office furniture, pianos, sewing machines, old computers, toys, games, puzzles, text books, encyclopedias or luggage.

We ask that all donated items be in good usable condition not needing any repair or immediate cleaning.

Does the Society of St. Vincent de Paul take cash donations? – Yes! St. Vincent DePaul has a “poor box” in the church vestibule where you can insert cash or checks.

You can also donate at any time through Faith Direct.

Did you know that St. Vincent DePaul USA provided nearly $1 billion in tangible and in-kind services, served more than 14 million people in need, performed more than two million service visits and delivered more than 11 million service hours to those in need in 2014?

Thank you for your generosity.