St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Cub Scouts

Please join St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and Pack 3969 for the 9:00
a.m. Mass on Sunday, February 9.

All scouts please wear your uniform
to Mass.

Congratulations to Keegan Walters, Declan Papeck,
Shane Mulkerrin, and Michael Cholod who will receive medals at
that Mass.

Cub Scout Pack # 3969 is sponsored by the Holy Name Society of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and has been in existence since 1947. Cub Scouts are for boys who are in the first through fifth grades. Boys work through programs designed by the Boy Scouts of America. They participate in various activities including camping, outdoor experiences, sports and crafts.

Each grade level has a program designed especially for it. The program is administered by adult leaders who are normally parents of the boys. These adults are dedicated to helping the boys learn and experience skills and activities.

The den leaders know the importance of the Cub Scout motto: “Do your best.” They know the importance of ideals. They believe in God, the greatness of America and in the boys. Cub Scouts and their leaders are proud to wear their uniform as this symbolizes that they are part of a group – a group that wants to make a difference.

Cub Scouts experience den meetings on a weekly basis (September through May) and pack nights which are held monthly. Each pack night has a different theme and all family members are invited to attend.


Grade one Cub Scouts are called Tiger Cubs, grade two scouts are Wolves, grade three are Bears, grade four are First Year Webelos and fifth graders are Second Year Webelos.

At St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, our annual fund raiser is the Pancake Breakfast. This is a joint venture between the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts and is held during the first weekend of March.