St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Summer Office Hours:
M-Th : 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Religious Education Advent Resource Center

2023 Advent Resource Library

We learned, on the solemnity of Christ the King, that Christ is indeed a King!

The birth of a king is a very special occasion. How would you prepare for the birth of king?

The Church gives us the season of Advent to do just that – a special time to prepare our hearts for such a special occasion.

This year, Advent begins on December 3rd, and is only 22 days long, so let’s get ready for it!

Our Advent Resource Library has information about the traditions of the season and suggestions for activities to engage the whole family in preparing for a joyous Nativity of Our Lord!

Five things parents can do this Advent season:

Make it a family celebration!
– Use an Advent calendar as a daily reminder to pause and pray.
Encourage each family member to pray individually or with the family – an Advent Calendar is an easy-to-use aide. Try the digital version available at Busted Halo.
Consider joining the Busted Halo Instagram Advent Photo Challenge -it’s a lot of fun for the whole family! 2023 InstaAdvent Photo Challenge – Busted Halo

-Start a tradition focused on giving over receiving – the Giving Manger or Mary on the Mantel are designed to instill in younger children a sense of caring and kindness as we prepare our hearts to receive our Savior at Christmas.

-Review our parish Liturgical Calendar for the season of Advent and Christmas
Plan now to participate in the special services such as the Holy Hour or Vespers, or the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass.

View the Full Calendar

-Attend Mass on the 4 Sundays of Advent, and on December 8th, The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation.

Ask your children what they learned in R.E. class each week – they will be able to tell you about St. Nicholas, the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Gaudette Sunday, to name of few topics.

May Christ find a dwelling place in your heart this holy season.

Catholic Customs and Traditions

A wonderful resource from Twenty-Third Publications is a detailed history and primer on our Church Advent traditions.

VIEW THE Twenty-Third Publications DOCUMENT


Advent calendars are a great activity for the whole family!

Click on the links below to learn more!

Make Your Own Nativity Set Advent Calendar

Busted Halo – Daily on-line Advent Calendar

Advent Calendars 101 – Everything You Wanted to Know about Advent Calendars from

In place of The Elf on the Shelf …
Family Gift Ideas

Mary on the Mantel Activity Kit

The Giving Manger

Add a straw for each act of kindness, to build a warm bed for Baby Jesus when he arrives on Christmas Day!

Shepherd on the Search Activity Set

Children will find him in a different place each morning, until the finds his way to the manger on Christmas day!


  • Call the grandparents just to say hi and ask about their day
  • Say something kind to a family member
  • Write a letter to Jesus
  • Write a note to teacher(s) thanking them for their efforts
  • Do a chore without being asked
  • Read a book to a younger sibling (or neighbor child)