For More Information or Additional Questions :
Hugo Munoz
773-763-8228 Ext. 2114
What is Totus Tuus ?
Totus Tuus is a week-long, summer youth retreat for young people.
Participants will grow in their faith through skits, games, songs, the celebration of the sacraments, and engaging, interactive teaching.
The Totus Tuus program is built upon five pillars:
Love for the Eucharist, Marian Devotion, Authentic Catechesis, Christian Vocations, and Fun!
Our hope is to deepen the relationship our young people have with the Lord Jesus, while showing them how exciting a lifetime adventure with the Lord can be.
Where is it being held ?
Totus Tuus 2024 will be held at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish.
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646
Who Can Attend ?
Totus Tuus is open to students entering Grade 1 through High School Seniors.
What time is Totus Tuus ?
We will be having two sections of Totus Tuus – one for Grades 1-6 and one for Grades 7-12.
Grades 1-6 will be Monday July 8 through Friday July 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Grades 7-12 will be Sunday July 7 through Thursday July 11 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the evening.
What is the cost ?
Grades 1-6 will be $50.00 per student. This includes a T-Shirt so be sure to include the size when you register!
Grades 7-12 will be $15.00 per student. This also includes a T-Shirt so be sure to include the size when you register!
What will the students be doing ?
Grades 1-6 Highlights include:
- 11:15 a.m. Daily Mass (parents are welcome to attend)
- Outdoor Recess
- Silly Skits
- Wednesday Potluck Dinner for All
- Friday Water Fight.
Grades 7-12 Highlights include:
- Meeting New Friends
- Fun Games
- An Evening of Adoration with Our Lord
- Conversations About How to Live Out Faith in High School and College
- Wednesday Night Potluck Dinner for All
- Thursday Night Social
What should the students bring each day ?
Grades 1-6 attendees should bring Sack lunch each day and items for recess (balls, jump ropes, etc.)
Please donate a box of cookies to share for a snack. You can send it with your child on Monday morning. (No peanuts, please).
Teens should also donate a box of cookies to share for snack. Please bring it with on Sunday night.
How Do I Register and Pay ?
You can download the registration form by clicking on the link below.
You can pay by check or by credit card or through Faith Direct (from the link below).

Include your check when you return your registration form to the Parish Office. We strongly suggest registering early as spaces are limited.
How Can Parents Help Out ?
Volunteers are welcome ! There is a box that you can check on the registration form and we will contact you.
Other ways to help :
- Host the Totus Tuus team for dinner in your home one night. Teams eat at 5:30 p.m. and must be back at the parish by 6:30 p.m. in order to set up for their evening program.
- Bring lunch for the Totus Tuus team members one day during the week.
- Help during the day/evening sessions.
- Help set up and clean up for Wednesday evening potluck dinner.
- Provide supplies for Friday water fight.
- Pray for the team and the young people as they experience this inspiring week.