In commemoration of Pentecost, we will offer a special blessing/commissioning of all lay ministers here at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish.
At all Masses, after the homily, anyone involved in any of the following ministries will be asked to stand:
- Altar Servers
- Art & Environment
- Catechists
- Extraordinary
Ministers of Communion - Finance Council
- Food Pantry
- Gardeners
- Holy Name Society
- Lectors
- Legion of Mary
- Livestreaming
- Ministers of Care
- Music
- One Parish One Prisoner Ministry
- Parish Council
- Prayer Shawl
- Rescue Project
- Respect Life
- Sacramental Preparation
- School Board
- Spanish Prayer Group
SPRED - St. Vincent de Paul
- Sunday Collection Counters
- Ushers
- Women’s Group
As you can see, there are many and varied ways you can participate in the life of the parish by sharing your time and talent in one or more of these ministries.
At Pentecost, listen to the Holy Spirit and seriously reflect on how you are being called to serve the Church through this parish. Ask some of the people who stand at Mass why they do what they do.
You are needed…you are being called. Will you answer the call?