Thursday December 19, 2024 Phil’s Pizza d’ Oro 5800 N. Milwaukee Ave. 773-763-8225 11:00 am – 9:30 pm 20% of Your Total Goes to St. Elizabeth ! Mention St. Elizabeth When You Order
Tuesday Evenings at 8:00 pm in the School Auditorium. Join us every Tuesday evening for the exciting new series That Man Is You. Each week we will see presentations, discussions and socialize with attendees. Register from the QR code in the link below or contact the Parish office. There are also registry cards in the…
The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Monday, December 16 at 6:30 p.m. This will be our Christmas gathering. Please bring a treat to share. We will not meet in January or February. Bring any items you have finished to this meeting. We have been able to give many scarves, hats, and shawls to people…
Retirement Funds for Religious. Please Give to those who have served a lifetime!
Click here for complete daily schedule (English and Spanish)
2024 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Schedule Mananitas at 5:30 a.m. in church Dawn Mass at 6:30 a.m. in church (Spanish) Morning Mass with school at 8:30 a.m. (English) Mass of the Roses at 6:30 p.m. (Bilingual) Reception to follow in the school auditorium.
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not a Holy Day of obligation this year.
The purpose of the Christmas Sharing Program is to provide gifts to families in need during the Christmas Season. This small gesture can help adults and children experience the magic, joy, and spirit of the holidays. The St. Vincent de Paul Society will be collecting at Masses on December 7 and 8. We will be…
The St. Vincent de Paul Society will be collecting at Masses on December 7 and 8. We will be delivering the gifts to the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels after the 8:30 Mass on December 9. Please help in this annual drive if you can!! Please Click Here for Donation Guidelines and Details