2023 CASINO NIGHT – a nIGHT AT THE MOVIES Saturday February 25, 2023 6:00 pm – Midnight $50 Per Ticket (Through January 31) $65 Per Ticket (After January 31) Prizes, Raffles, DJ, Light Appetizers, Open Bar and More ….. CLICK FOR EVENT DETAILS
We invite you to join the St. Elizabeth of the Trinity parish family as we prepare to walk the season of Lent together – one community of faith, on the journey towards Christ. Please join us at the 6:30 PM Mass and distribution of ashes, followed by fellowship and a light meal – no meat,…
This is an Archdiocese-wide appeal that has been going on for many years. Our parish goal is approximately $43,000. When we exceed that goal the parish receives the overage back in a rebate. SEE FATHER MIKE’S LATEST LETTER FOR DETAILS
2023 Sweetheart Dance Saturday February 11, 2023 6:30 – 9:00 pm $25 Per Couple (Due by February 6) $30 Per Family (Due by February 6) CLICK FOR EVENT DETAILS & ORDER FORM Presented by the SEOTT Parents’ Club
Individual Throat Blessing will be available after the 8:30 am Mass on St. Blaise Day – Friday February 3, 2023. A general blessing will be offered at the end of all Masses on the weekend of February 4 – 5. Individual Throat Blessings will be available upon request after each Mass on the weekend of…
2023 Holy Name Society Championship Sunday Party ! Sunday January 23, 2023 Doors Open at 1:00 pm – School Auditorium. Tables of 10 are $250. $30 Walk-in Fee the day of event. Email st.elizabethhns@gmail.com to reserve a table. Click Here to See Flyer
Please visit St Elizabeth of the Trinity School on Sunday, January 29th, from 10:00 am through Noon ! Classrooms will be open with staff present and there will be various activities in the auditorium. Come check us out! Let any friends, neighbors and anybody with school age children know about this opportunity to learn about…
January 26, 2023 Phil’s Pizza d’Oro 5800 N. Milwaukee Avenue 4:00 pm – 9:30 pm 20% of your total goes to St. Elizabeth School! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
This year’s collection for the Church in Latin America will taken up the weekend of January 21-22. This a chance to share the faith with our brothers and sisters in Latin America. You can give at Mass or through your parish’s online/e-giving platform. #iGiveCatholicTogether also accepts funds for the collection.
The Parish office and school will be closed on Monday, January 16, 2023 In observance of Martin Luther King Day.