St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Feast Of St Tarcissus Celebration 2018

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Feast of St. Tarcissus Celebration
August 18 and 19, 2018

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From the Desk of the Pastor – Bulletin Article on August 26, 2018

The Feast of St. Tarcissus was a pretty big success! The first priority of the Feast was faith in Jesus and intercessory prayer through our patron saint. We had about 200 prayer intention cards and we lifted them up in prayer to the Lord during our prayer vigil. Hopefully we can get even more people to come and pray in Eucharistic Adoration at the vigil next year.

The procession in the neighborhood was also very powerful. The estimates are that over 200 people went in the procession along with our 40 vested altar servers. We brought Christ and the faith to the streets with our beautiful statue of St. Tarcissus and our prayer stops. We called down the Holy Spirit to bring faith, healing and love to the neighborhood.

The picnic was also well attended. I heard the Holy Name Society served over 600 total brats, burgers and hot dogs. The music by Todd and the Ten Pins was perfect, the kids had fun and I heard Mr. Wuich’s team won the bean bag tournament. It was a great day for families to come together at the beginning of the school year.

I would love it if this could be an annual tradition for the parish but that depends on having dedicated organizers like we had this year (they did such a great job). I’m aware that a number of things could be improved including; having more tents for the eating area in the parking lot, perhaps going a block shorter in the procession, improving the sound for the procession, signage for the desserts and bathrooms etc… We will be having a followup meeting to discuss improvements for next year so spread the word and please let me know if you’d like to be on the committee for next year.

There are so many individuals, families, businesses and parish groups that helped and I am very grateful to you all. Please see the list of acknowledgements on the following pages. I would like to personally mention some people who spearheaded the event. Ellen Moosa made the parish banner, got the permit, ordered the printed materials and was all around invaluable. Darlene Duggan was our “secretary” and kept us all coordinated. Melisa Moroko ran the social/hospitality side which took many hours of work and she also helped organize the subcommittees making sure everything was just right the day of. Mr. Wuich and student volunteers helped with setup and take down and ran the popcorn machine. Fr. McCarthy was able to gather nearly 40 altar servers to vest and process, it looked great! Joris Soeding helped solicit business donations and purchased supplies.

A special thanks to John Goworowski and the Holy Name Society for both providing and grilling the burgers, dogs and brats! Our Women’s Club, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Night Players and SPRED provided the amazing baked goods and sides. Dani Orlandi made the beautiful, processional statue of St. Tarcissus. Scout Master Mick Aleksic and the Boy Scouts made the carrying platform for the statue and helped carry it in procession. The Girl Scouts canvassed the neighborhood to promote. Our own Jim Madura organized the intercession stops and has helped keep the office operating in Kathy Mullins’ absence (please continue to pray for her). I know so many more people donated money or time, may the Lord bless you; “your reward will be great in heaven.”

I would like to make one final acknowledgement. Our Music Director, Paul Matijevic, made sure that the music and sound for the procession were excellent. Several people mentioned their pleasant surprise that there was such beautiful music even during the procession. Paul has been a blessing to the parish for years. Due to his increased duties at his full-time job, Paul has been stretched a little thin and has decided to no longer be our part-time music director. We wish Paul all the best and will miss him. While we look for a replacement we have found someone to coordinate a schedule of cantors and musicians for all the Masses. So, don’t worry, there will still be quality music with cantors and accompanists.

God bless you,
Fr. Mike Grisolano