St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Summer Office Hours:
M-Th : 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

First Day Of REAnd Ice Cream Social 2014

Pictures and Videos of Previous Events

Religious Education Program – First Day of Class and Ice Cream Social
September 13, 2014

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Father Mike Solazzo and the St. Tarcissus RE catechists welcomed over 120 RE students and their parents to the first day of religious education. Both the students and parents started the day off with prayer. After prayer the students and catechists began classes and the parents had a short parent meeting. After class the families were all invited to enjoy “build your own” ice cream sundaes in the large cafeteria.

Students, Parents, and Catechists are Part of a Learning Partnership – Fr. Mike reminded Parents that at Baptism parents are called to be the first and best teachers of the faith for their children. We as parents set important examples for our children. The entire Church community is there to assist in teaching the faith. The partnership of students, parents, and teachers help to bring the good news of Jesus to our community and world. Together we form the community of faith.

Pray First – All of our RE classes began with prayer on Saturday. Many of our classes spent time learning different prayers and prayer forms on the first day of class. Our first graders prayed one of our first and simplest prayers the Sign of the Cross. Our fourth grade class spent much of the class learning about the rosary. Our fifth grade began class with the Saint Tarcissus Prayer.