This popular program which seeks to connect with Christ through Food, Conversation and Prayer starts a new session on January 13, 2025 and will meet each Monday at 6:30 pm. All are welcome!
We have started a quarterly second collection at all Sunday Masses called an “Evangelization Collection” with the purpose of directly funding the various programs, ministries, and materials that help us grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ. The next of our quarterly second collections to support the evangelization efforts of the parish will take place…
Please join St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and Pack 3969 for the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, February 9. All scouts please wear your uniform to Mass. Congratulations to Keegan Walters, Declan Papeck, Shane Mulkerrin, and Michael Cholod who will receive medals at that Mass.
Thanks to all who helped to beautifully decorate our church on Christmas Eve. Also thanks to our maintenance staff for setting up all of the Christmas trees. You Are A Big Part Of Making Our Church Beautiful For Our Holiday Celebration!!
The Epiphany household blessing is a centuries-old tradition that invokes God’s blessing on all who enter one’s home. All you need for an Epiphany blessing is chalk. There are a few different formulas for blessings out there, but the essence of the ritual is always the same: a priest or the head of the household…