The last Holy Name Society meeting of the year is May 30 and we will be roasting a pig. Save the date!
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646
Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.
The last Holy Name Society meeting of the year is May 30 and we will be roasting a pig. Save the date!
Totus Tuus is a week-long, summer youth retreat for young people in first through 12th grade. If your family would like to help host the Totus Tuus missionaries either as a host family or by hosting a dinner one night, please contact Ashley Guinn at the Rectory or by Email at Last year’s inaugural…
Please visit the St. Elizabeth of the Trinity’s Parish Facebook page! Our Holy Name Society also has a Facebook Page : St. Elizabeth of the Trinity’s Parish Facebook page! Updated frequently, these pages have news and information about our community, school and our people.
The regular Saturday 5:00 pm Mass will be held at 4:00 pm on Saturday May 6 for First Holy Communion. Please keep in mind because of the large number of students and their families, there will be only very limited seating available for everyone else. Also on that day, Confessions will start at 2:30 rather…
SEE OUR CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR MORE !! 2023 Mother’s DAY FLOWER SALE – mAY 13 – 14 Our Respect Life Committee, in support of the Women’s Centers of Chicago, will once again be selling flowers in the church vestibule on Mother’s Day weekend (May 13 & 14). FIRST RESPONDERS MASS AND BREAKFAST –…
SEE OUR CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR MORE !! FIRST COMMUNION MASS – MAY AT 4:00 PM (NO 5:00 PM MASS) There will not be a 5:00 Mass next Saturday, May 6. Instead, the Mass will take place at 4:00 p.m. This will be our parish’s First Communion Mass. Please keep in mind because of…
As our current second graders get ready for First Communion this weekend, we reflect on our past with photos of past First Communions. Click Here to View the First Communion Through the Years Photo Gallery
SEE OUR CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR MORE !! FIRST COMMUNION MASS – MAY AT 4:00 PM (NO 5:00 PM MASS) There will not be a 5:00 Mass next Saturday, May 6. Instead, the Mass will take place at 4:00 p.m. This will be our parish’s First Communion Mass. Please keep in mind because of…
Our Respect Life Committee, in support of the Women’s Centers of Chicago, will once again be selling flowers in the church vestibule on Mother’s Day weekend. Details Coming Soon!!
Sunday May 7th in the Auditorium. The Women’s Group is sponsoring a dynamic speaker, Deacon Allen Tatara from St Hubert’s Parish. Women’s Group Mass 9:00 a.m. (All women of the parish are invited) After Mass – Hospitality in the Auditorium 10:00 a.m. (All parishioners are welcome!) Women’s Group Meeting in the Auditorium 10:45 a.m. (All…