St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Uncategorized (Page 6)

Holy Ground Film Screenings – February 18

HOLY GROUND Narrated by Fr. Gregory Sakowicz, Holy Ground stars Susan L. Kelsey (Billy Caldwell, 1780-1841) Ann Durkin Keating (Rising Up From Indian Country), and David Buisseret (Historic Illinois From the Air). The film also features Olivia Murray, Larry Biela, Marla Seidell, Eric S. Cunnigham, John Schoonhoven, Fr. Paul Adaja, Fr. Andew Luczak, Peter Scheidler…