St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Summer Office Hours:
M-Th : 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Station School In Rwanda

PARISH AND COMMUNITY EVENT – Station School and Sharing Families Project


The generosity of the parishioners and friends of St. Tars for this important project is overwhelming. So many of you continue to support this initiative and a lot of new families are signing up. So many children’s lives will be changed because of your wonderful efforts.

I sent a message to the head mistress (principal) at the Station School to let her know that we were continuing to raise funds to assist with the children and she replied with a message to all of the Chicago Sharing Families:

“Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that are participating, thank you very much. Your efforts have made an extraordinary impact on the life of a child half a world away and they will never forget it. The children are praying for you every day. Our goal this year is to sponsor 40 new students that will be starting at the Station School. The cost to become a sponsor is $25.00 per student. By becoming a sponsor, you will be providing the following for a student for 1 year:

2 Uniforms – Shoes – School Sweater – Slips – Socks
School fees – Insurance – School card – School badge
Notebooks – Pens – Mathematic box – Ruler – School bag
Washing soaps – Hygienic soaps – Lotions – Hand towel – Tooth paste

We have accountability for every step of the money collected to ensure that the children receive all of the items listed above. As a sponsor, you will receive the name of the child that you are helping. We receive letters and photos of each child after they are given their supplies. The letters and photos are posted on this St. Tars website.

You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Tarcissus Parish and mail in, drop off at the rectory or place in the weekly collection basket. Be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School. You can also donate online via Faith Direct and make a one-time, annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly or weekly donation. Faith Direct has been updated to accept any amount that you would like to donate.

Thank you again to everyone participating in this extraordinary journey. We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.

Bobbie DuMelle


As in the US, the lock down due to COVID-19 has brought a lot of fear and anxiety to the people of Rwanda. So far, the children of the Station School remain safe and there are no reported cases of the virus.

Fr. Denis wanted us to know that the students have been made aware of our situation. He said the children want us to remember the Sharing Families in Chicago are constantly in their prayers. They consider us family.


The cost to become a sponsor is $25.00 per student however any size donation is appreciated. You can give at any time by making a check payable to St. Tarcissus Parish. Please be sure to mark on the memo portion of the check Station School. You can also donate online via Faith Direct.

We have given the gift of a brighter future and we have received the gift of an extended family.

Bobbie DuMelle


Sharing Families-Rwanda
233 children are living a better life with a hopeful future
because of the generosity of our parishioners!

Grateful hearts and hopeful spirits of the people that live in a place so remote they felt forgotten. They didn’t ask for help and yet when our gifts arrived, their lives were forever changed. The children at the Station School are renewed as students and fellow Catholics. They feel that God sent us to them. The children and the staff send their love and want us to know that they are praying for us.

When we started this journey last year in August, our goal was to put our teachings into action, and we did. Because of your great efforts a powerful connection has begun. This could not have been achieved without the outpouring of support from the parishioners, students teachers and priests of St. Tars.

The school in Rwanda referred to as the “Station School” is similar to an outpost. There are just under 800 students comprised of orphans and the extreme poor. They do not have enough to eat, have to walk miles for water and do not have access to hygiene products or school supplies. You would never know it by their smiles. They are big, bright, warm and welcoming greeting you as if you were a part of their family. Ironically, they have named their church, St. Tarcissus. These children can use our help with basic needs. The cost for tuition, a uniform, school supplies and hygiene products for a year, is $50 per child.

The Station School is in a remote part of Rwanda and we were asked by our sharing Parish, St. Maria Goretti to help these children in need.

The cost to fund a child for 1 year is $50.00. Please make your checks payable to St. Tarcissus and note on the check “Station School”. Your donation can be placed in the weekly collection or dropped off at the rectory.

You can also donate online via Faith Direct and make a one-time, annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly or weekly donation. Faith Direct has been updated to accept any amount that you would like to donate.

As we continue this journey of transformation, we are beginning the next phase of support with the ultimate achievement for sustainability for this group of children, our sharing families. We have an opportunity to do something extraordinary. By making a connection with a child on the other side of the world and extending our families.

We are asking that all families already participating, please renew by sponsoring another child for this upcoming school year as the children that you are already sponsoring will remain in school without additional funding. For those parishioners that have not yet signed up, if you are able, please do it this year. Checks should be made out to St. Tarcissus Parish and note on the check “Station School”. If you become a sharing family, you will be receiving the child’s name and that child will know that they have a family in the world.

You can also place your donation in the weekly collection basket or mail to the rectory noting on the check “Station School”.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: If I am already sponsoring a child, can I renew?
A: At this time it is not necessary, we were assured that the sponsored children will be able to stay in school.

Q: How can I be sure that the money is distributed correctly?
A: The money flow process: Donations counted and verified at St Tars – 100% of funds transferred to Banque De Kigali. Two verification check points in Chicago and two in Rwanda. Receipts provided for delivery of supplies and reconciliation of funds. See chart below.

Thank you to everyone participating in the Sharing Families Project. You are providing a life changing experience for a child. You are making an extraordinary difference in a child’s life.

Bobbie DuMelle


We have been receiving letters from the children at the Station School as well photos via email from Father Denis.

The children are very grateful for the gifts that we have given to them and are asking for photos and letters from their sponsoring families. They are trying to understand why someone on the other side of the world would care and want to help them.

They are requesting photos and letters from us as they want to make the connection.

If you would like to send a message to the child or children that you are sponsoring, please send it to Kathy Mullins via email at or drop off a hard copy at the rectory. The messages will be forwarded to the children.

There is still time to participate. The cost to fund a child for 1 year is $50.00.


Saint Maria Goretti Parish is located in the Central African Nation of Rwanda. The parish ministers to all who come to her in this desperately poor but very Catholic country which is still recovering from the brutal civil war of over fifteen years ago.

Here are a few pictures of the Church in Rwanda