St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Posts by Parish Web Author (Page 12)

RIP Father Daniel R. Fallon

  Let perpetual light shine upon him and may his soul, and all of the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace. Rev. Daniel R. Fallon, former pastor of St. Cornelius Parish on Foster Avenue in Chicago passed away March 9, 2024. He was 74 years old. Fr. Fallon was born on March 1,…

Helpful Links to Outside Web Sites

We have organized a page with useful links to outside web sites for our parishioners at . Topics and sites linked to include: Daily Mass Readings in Spanish and English Compliance Contacts for those who work with children and vulnerable adults Links to St. Elizabeth Facebook pages Archdiocese of Chicago Resources The United States…

SVDP Honors Mary Klug

Recently the St. Vincent de Paul Society presented Mary Klug with the Ozanam Award for her many years of outstanding service with the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Mary was selected for this award by the Archdiocesan Council of the SVDP. Congratulations Mary and thank you for all your good works!

Rwanda School Update – April 2024

The background on our parish support for Station School Rwanda was described in an insert with the October 8, 2023 bulletin. Here is a link to that pictured filled report October 2023 Sharing Families – Rwanda Update. The students are taking their national exams this week. The teachers are encouraged by the progress the students…

Parish Update – April 2024

Father Mike’s weekly letter for April 14 contained important updates about the Parish. — Property update: We are nearly four years into the parish merger that officially happened on July 1st, 2020. There are certainly some good signs of growth here at the parish, but I know there is still a lot of hurt with…