Beginning Sunday September 23, 2023, Confessions will be heard each Sunday after the 11:00 a.m. Mass, from 12:00 p.m. to 12: 45 p.m. They will be bilingual when Father Leo is available.
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646
Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.
Beginning Sunday September 23, 2023, Confessions will be heard each Sunday after the 11:00 a.m. Mass, from 12:00 p.m. to 12: 45 p.m. They will be bilingual when Father Leo is available.
PARISH CHOIR The Parish Choir is looking for new members aged high school and up. We sing at the 9:00 a.m. Mass and rehearse on Tuesday evenings at 7:15 p.m. in the choir loft. Can’t commit to singing every week? No problem, scheduling is flexible! Rehearsals start on Tuesday, September 5th. All experience levels are…
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity HOLY NAME SOCIETY 3rd ANNUAL GOLF OUTING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 REGISTRATIONS & PAYMENTS DUE BY SEPTEMBER 1, 2023!! 1:00 p.m. shotgun start – 4 ball scramble. Low Price of $150 ($125 without transportation) Includes golf, cart, food and drinks at the course, post-golf reception plus transportation. Please see handouts…
Religious Education classes begin on Sunday September 10, 2023 with a Special Family Mass at 9:00 am followed by a parent meeting in the auditorium. Early Bird registration ends August 31st. RE parents who have not yet registered their children or who have questions and cannot make the September 10th Parent Meeting are invited to…
The St. Elizabeth of the Trinity 8th grade class of ‘24 will be having a car wash fundraiser on Sat. Sept.9th from 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. in our back parking lot. The cost will be $12 for cars and $15 for trucks and SUV’s and donations are welcome and appreciated! Please consider stopping by on…
On the weekend of August 19 & 20 a representative of From Mission to Mission will be speaking with our parish to share about their work in the mission field and its impact. From Mission to Mission serves missionaries, both lay and religious, in their time of preparation and during re-entry back into life and…
The First Day of SEOTT Religious Education is Sunday, September 10, 2023 !! We have a special schedule planned to welcome our students and their families : 9:00 – Back-to-School Mass for Religious Education Families All parishioners and RE families are invited 10:00 AM – Pre-registered Religious Education students proceed to Door #2 of the…
SEE OUR CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR MORE !! Religious Education Parents Meeting August 27 10:00 am in the Auditorium. We will address ways to learn more about the RE program, volunteer opportunities, and ways to reduce the RE fees through volunteering. CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM 2023 Holy Name Society…
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity HOLY NAME SOCIETY 3rd ANNUAL GOLF OUTING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 1:00 p.m. shotgun start – 4 ball scramble. Low Price of $150 ($125 without transportation) Includes golf, cart, food and drinks at the course, post-golf reception plus transportation. Please see handouts in church vestibule for registration, email or…
We are in need of additional ushers at all Masses, especially 5:00 & 9:00. So, if you are already there anyway, why not offer a helping hand? The duties are minimal and the rewards are spiritually fulfilling. If you are able to help out please let any usher know or contact Jim Madura in the…