St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Posts by Parish Web Author (Page 52)

Parking Lot Update

Father Grisolano recently had a meeting with our construction company (Ward), the engineer, the landscape architect, and Archdiocesan Project Managers, and it seems we can begin construction on the parking lot! You should notice construction fencing around the lot any day now! Learn more in this week’s Bulletin or Father Mike’s latest article including drainage,…

Updated Mask Policy

FROM FATHER MIKE : You have probably heard by now that the Archdiocese has removed the mask requirement for schools, parishes, offices. The signs you see on the church doors now say: “Masks optional”. For some of you this may be a relief and just what you were waiting for to come back to church.…

Ministers of Care Update

Beginning the first weekend of March, the people that bring Holy Communion to the homebound will again receive their pyx (the container that holds the Holy Communion) at the end of Mass, at the foot of the sanctuary. This practice had been interrupted due to Covid. This ritual publicly shows everyone that these ministers are…

Seasonal Missalettes

There is a supply of seasonal missalettes in the vestibule that we invite you to take one for your personal use while you are in church and at home. These missalettes include the full order of the Mass and the Sunday Readings through November.

Prayer Shawl Ministry Update

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not meet in January due to poor weather conditions and dangerous Covid situations. We will plan to get together the fourth Monday of February, which is the 28th in our school meeting room. Please continue to make prayer shawls, lap robes, scarves, and hats at home. The need is still…

Baby Bottle Project Update

Father Mike received a letter of thanks from The Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland for St. Elizabeth’s contributions to this year’s Baby Bottle Project. The letter can be viewed from the link below. Thanks to all who volunteered and participated ! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE LETTER

Throat Blessings – St. Blaise Day

Individual Throat Blessing will be available after the 8:30 am Mass on St. Blaise Day – Thursday February 3, 2022. A general blessing will be offered at the end of all Masses on the weekend of February 5-6. Individual Throat Blessings will be available upon request after each Mass on the weekend of February 5-6.