St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
6020 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

Parish Office Hours:
M – F : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.

Uncategorized (Page 35)

Prayer Shawl Ministry Update

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not meet in January due to poor weather conditions and dangerous Covid situations. We will plan to get together the fourth Monday of February, which is the 28th in our school meeting room. Please continue to make prayer shawls, lap robes, scarves, and hats at home. The need is still…

Baby Bottle Project Update

Father Mike received a letter of thanks from The Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland for St. Elizabeth’s contributions to this year’s Baby Bottle Project. The letter can be viewed from the link below. Thanks to all who volunteered and participated ! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE LETTER

Throat Blessings – St. Blaise Day

Individual Throat Blessing will be available after the 8:30 am Mass on St. Blaise Day – Thursday February 3, 2022. A general blessing will be offered at the end of all Masses on the weekend of February 5-6. Individual Throat Blessings will be available upon request after each Mass on the weekend of February 5-6.

Rwanda Station School Update – January 2022

See the latest news and update on the Station School in Rwanda from  Bobbie DuMelle including  photos. Remember – the cost to become a sponsor is just $25.00 to provide hope and support for these grateful students. Contributions of any amount are welcome !  CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE JANUARY 2022 UPDATE FROM BOBBIE DUMELLE…

Prayer Shawl Ministry Update

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not meet in January due to poor weather conditions and dangerous Covid situations. We will plan to get together the fourth Monday of February, which is the 28th in our school meeting room. Please continue to make prayer shawls, lap robes, scarves, and hats at home. The need is still…